Partner with YFTI to support your High Fidelity Wraparound Evaluation
YFTI can provide consultation services to those outside of Pennsylvania to help develop your High Fidelity Wraparound (HFW) Evaluation Plan, share lessons learned and expertise from over 8 years of experience in implementing HFW Evaluation in PA counties, developing appropriate surveys, tracking chart forms, measuring implementation benchmarks, and other tools to meet your needs.
Data Collection Options
Data Storage & Dashboard Options
Data can be housed in your local data system, de-identified, and transferred into YFTI’s database for data processing on a regular basis.
This data can then be set up to continuously transfer into YFTI’s live, interactive data dashboards for your own continued quality improvement and ability to monitor processes and outcomes. YFTI utilizes iDashboards.
As another option, YFTI can provide consultation services to help you purchase and install your own iDashboards software that will be connected to your own database, network, and secure environment.
You can provide remote access to your system to YFTI for a limited time so that dashboards can be built on your behalf, relevant to your internal data collection needs.
This allows you to keep data HIPPA compliant and provide internal users access through usernames and passwords within your agency or program so that you can access private or confidential information. You can also provide external users secure access through usernames and passwords to de-identified information via a customizable web domain link to the dashboard program.
Data can be refreshed in the dashboard portal as often as you need so that you can have your own continued quality improvement and ability to monitor processes and outcomes.
Data Permissions
Once the dashboards are created, YFTI can setup usernames and passwords for project oversight and/or other users with permissions to view specific data – whether that means all of the data, data from several programs at a time, or just their own data – different users can have different levels of access.

For questions or inquiries about YFTI’s Evaluation Services, please contact Monica Payne.