Partner with YFTI to support your SAMHSA Grant Evaluation
YFTI can support your providers in collecting the required SAMHSA NOMs/GPRA data by providing data collection training, data entry resources, and data dashboard visualization for your continued quality improvement.
Data Collection Options
Data Storage, Dashboards, & Permissions
Data entry can be completed both into YFTI’s database as well as the SAMHSA SPARS data system and then the data can be set up to continuously transfer into YFTI’s live, interactive data dashboards for your own continued quality improvement and ability to monitor processes and outcomes. YFTI utilizes iDashboards.
Once the dashboards are created, YFTI can setup usernames and passwords for project oversight and/or other users with permissions to view specific data – whether that means all of the data, data from several programs at a time, or just their own data – different users can have different levels of access.

For questions or inquiries about YFTI’s Evaluation Services, please contact Monica Payne.