AnnaMaria Segreti

Data Implementation Manager

AnnaMaria Segreti is the Data Implementation Manager for the Evaluation Team at the Youth and Family Training Institute (YFTI) which is a part of the University of Pittsburgh. She manages the incoming data that is received from counties implementing High Fidelity Wraparound in Pennsylvania as well as several different grants which are funded by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA).

As the Data Implementation Manager, some of her responsibilities include tracking and monitoring all incoming data, supervising the data entry team, communicating with grant and system partners regarding data collection and quality assurance, conducting surveys and analyzing results, assisting with the development of interactive data dashboards, and presenting data results at conferences and poster sessions.  AnnaMaria has 17 years of research experience working with mental and behavioral health and has co-authored over 20 depression-related peer-reviewed articles in psychiatric journals.